Welsh literary greats
Discover some of Wales' great poets, playwrights and authors, past and present.
Discover some of Wales' great poets, playwrights and authors, past and present.
Learn about the many pros(e) of a visit to the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth.
Everywhere you go in Wales someone will point out a hill, church or a standing stone that has a story of its own.
Welsh scientists, engineers and inventors have been helping to shape the world for centuries.
Welcome to Atlantic College - a global melting pot on the scenic Welsh coast
The incredible tale of why 150 people set up a remote Welsh settlement in South America.
We've come a long way from the days when our national football team included a miner and a chimney sweep.
Discover the links between these Celtic cousins. Cymru and Éireann - Wales and Ireland.
From presidents with Welsh ancestry to a North Wales football team owned by American A-listers, there are many things that web together Wales and the USA.
From medieval fortresses to scientific breakthroughs. Find out more about Wales' history through 10 iconic objects.
Wales is home to some of the best and most beautiful castles in the world. Here are 12 not to miss.
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