The plan is a diverse future for football in Wales - the goal is to grow the Rainbow Wall.

The Rainbow Wall was built as an extension of our momentous Red Wall
Fun, fervour, pride, passion. These are the only ways we can describe the loyal Welsh supporters who were hailed the Red Wall by Gareth Bale and the Welsh team during the 2016 Euros. We’re all one big community, that’s what our nation prides itself on. So, to make sure that everyone feels like an accepted, valued member of our supporter world, the Red Wall built an historic extension - The Rainbow Wall – Y Wal Enfys. The official launch of the new supporter group happened online prior to our match against Belgium in 2021; with an in person launch happening over a year later against Belgium also.
We’re here, we always have been, but you’ll see us now more than ever
And that’s because we’re stronger, louder and prouder than ever. We exist to make sure that football, beloved and adored by all, is also inclusive to all. There is power within the LGBTQ+ community and within football, so we joined forces with the Football Association of Wales (FAW) to make sure that no fan is left behind. We make sure games are inclusive and exciting for everyone by coordinating group bookings and hosting pre-game meetups so people can connect and support our country as one. That's what the Rainbow Wall is about.

Community is the heart of our nation, and the heart never rests
You’ll find us meeting and rallying out-and-about before any game, but our largest presence is online. The Rainbow Wall’s Twitter is constantly following Wales games and cheering on our players. It’s important we maintain a sense of community off-the-pitch because that’s where people feel most comfortable to approach us. Our Rainbow Wall inbox is always alight. Talk to us.
While our team compete for the cup, we play to remove discrimination behind the scenes
Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, racism, anti-semitism. Despite our on-the-ground efforts discrimination is still there. But the Rainbow Wall is home to a diverse football family – including the FAW and fellow pride groups - who are playing to remove discrimination from the game. By standing proud as one during matches and strengthening our voice through the FAW’s campaigns and initiatives, we can score the ultimate goal. It’s all about educating and enlightening.
We as a nation love a bucket hat, but ours have become a steady symbol of hope and pride
Bucket hats - gobaith a balchder. It is important that people see us not as members of the LGBTQ+ community but as a nation of inclusivity and acceptance. Our Rainbow Wall bucket hats have sparked a conversation and encourage fans outside of the LGBTQ+ community to educate themselves. I was in Cardiff watching Wales play - prior to our game in Zurich when Wales played Switzerland, a heart-breaking loss - when I spotted a whole family, young and old allies, sporting our rainbow Welsh bucket hats. No one can beat the passion of the Welsh crowd but it’s with flags flowing in the wind and bucket hats on that we can really kick discrimination out of the game.
Nothing could beat the feeling of community, the feeling of Cardiff Pride
It has to be one of, if not my fondest memory. The Pride parade is huge in Cardiff and welcomed over 500,000 people this year. Just like the Rainbow Wall, Pride isn’t just for members of the LGBTQ+ community but for allies, friends, family and people looking to educate themselves. Being part of Cardiff Pride alongside the FAW felt like home and was the perfect opportunity for us to extend an open invitation to people who maybe don’t watch football or who have never been to a game in their lives, to join us.