Srushti had dreams of living in a big city like London or New York.

But it was after setting eyes on the magnificence of the Welsh coastline that she knew she had settled in the right place.

"The beaches are definitely one of my favourite things about Wales, especially in the south. They're not just your average strips of sand and water - these places are something else. You've got these amazing cliffs that give you awesome views of the super clear, blue water below.

"You can just sit on the sand, listen to the waves crash, hear seagulls squawking overhead, and people chatting in the background. You don't have to do anything special, but somehow you always end up having a great time. It's amazing how you can have such a good day just sitting there, taking it all in.”

Srushti came to Wales from Mumbai on the Global Wales Postgraduate Scholarship programme, an initiative offering scholarships worth up to £10,000 for students to pursue a full-time master's degree in Wales.

The scholarship was offered to Srushti on behalf of the Global Wales Programme, a collaboration between the Welsh Government, Universities Wales, the British Council, and HEFCW, funded by Taith.

“Studying in Wales offers a unique cultural experience,” Srushti said. “You'll have the chance to explore beautiful landscapes, engage with Welsh history and culture, and make friends from around the world. The welcoming atmosphere and vibrant student life make it easy to feel at home here.”

Srushti studied a Masters degree in Virtual Reality at Swansea University and says she has developed personally and professionally since arriving in Wales.

She said: "My experience studying in Wales has been truly rewarding, my course has focused on current industry needs which will be beneficial for my career.

“The course provides us with so much technology that is used in my industry. Studying in Wales has given me a chance to explore my field and my university is so supportive, everyone here is ready to help you no matter how big or small the request is.”

Srushti believes one of the biggest differences between education in India and Wales, is the focus on assignments in Wales, rather than exams in India.

She believes the focus on assignments has allowed her to engage further with course material which has helped reduce stress and increase her knowledge.

Srushti’s experiences reflect the broader aims of the Global Wales Postgraduate Scholarship programme, which seeks to provide international students with not just academic growth but also a deeper understanding and appreciation of Welsh culture.

It also continues to strengthen ties between Wales and other countries, offering a world-class education alongside a unique cultural experience. Wales is becoming an increasingly popular destination for students seeking both academic excellence and an enriching life experience.


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